Ricardo Machado

Ricardo Machado (Lisbon, 1983) has a degree in Film and has a specialization in Camera & Cinematography.
Ricardo has collaborated in production film teams such as “The Death of Carlos Gardel” by Fado Filmes and in french series “Maison Close” by Canal+.
Recently he has worked in Lighting & Grip crews in films such as “Toute le Monde Aime Jeanne”, the last feature film by António da Cunha Telles entitled “Cherchez la Femme” and from the production company Ukbar Filmes “Your Face Will Be the Last”.
Since graduating in 2008 he has written, produced and directed several independent projects.
His filmography has about a dozen works among documentaries and fiction short films that were awarded in foreign and national festivals.
“The Return” it`s his most recent project.


Divine Equation

The Muppet-Face