A Whole Note

Pedro Ramalho Marques

“Sisters Ana and Sara Elias made a wish: to have their own itinerant carillon. They just didn’t know how to ask dad. But Alberto knew how to make his daughters dream come true.
Now they have to deal with Lvsitanvs, the greatest itinerant carrilon in the world. After all, dreams can be heavy, tiring and very expensive.
The Elias family is on the road, but Sara has to come back to Canada, where she lives now. Alberto and Ana will carry on with Lusitanvs, against all odds.”


Statement from the director:

“What do we talk about when we talk about love’’, once wrote Raymond Carver, one of my favourites. This is a question that is always in my mind. The love for your friends, the love for your partner, the love for your family. Since I put an eye in the Elias family, I simply couldn’t disconnect from their story. From them. I found it poetical, bitter, sweet and very encouraging. And then there’s Alberto, the father figure. ‘’What do we talk about when we talk about love’’. I believe that in the process of telling this story, we will have an interesting portrait of what family love and family bonds can be. Our parents may want us to fly, but sometimes they’re not ready to do so.
Talking about flying, I’m a father too. Questions about love. A father. A son.
What do we talk about when we talk about love?”

Ficha Técnica

Director: Pedro Ramalho Marques
Image: Pedro Lopes, Marco Fernandes, Tomás Fidalgo, Carlos Ratinho, Mike Morash (One Island Media), Neil A. Ferguson (One island Media)
Direct sound: Pedro Santos, Carlos Ratinho
Synchronism: Tiago Câmara, Mário Martins, Paula Soares, Inês Rodrigues, Pedro Ramalho Marques, Renato Silva
Edition: Pedro Ramalho Marques, Renato Silva
Color Grading: Ricardo Gonçalves
Sound edition and mixing: Rui Pereira, Sara Godinho, Billyboom Sound Design
Graphics: Inês Martins
Archive footage: Ana Elias, Sara Elias, Alberto Elias, Celeste Elias
Subtitles: Spell – Translation Solutions
Executive production: Ricardo Freitas, Pedro Sousa
Production: Irina Calado, Pedro Ramalho Marques, Krista Boenhert

Thanks to:
Adriana Quintas Martins, Carolina Vêlo, Inês Vinagre, Artur Xavier, Andreia Balhico, Inês Vinagre, Gabriela Costa, Diogo Costa, Susana Elias, Sara Amaro, João Elias, Martim Taganha, João Sousa, Adriana Quintas Martins, Paula Fonseca, Artur Xavier, TINTINNABVLVM, Grupo de Cantares da Casa do Povo de Montalvo, Clube Vikings LVSITANVS, Jo Haazen, Krista Boenhert, Melissa Coppola, Jonathan Kuuskoski, Jerome Pin, Bruna Sarkovy, Ana Fonseca, Helena Marques, Cristina Teixeira, Ana Pontes, Pedro Cartaxo, Carim Vali, Joana Afonso, Sílvia Brunheira, Andreia da Veiga, Inês Sacramento, Paige Ataou, Mimi Lobato, Joana Pires, University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance EXCEL Lab. One Island Media, Câmara Municipal de Constância, Casa João Chagas, Restaurante D. José Pinhão

The director would like to leave a special thanks to:
Família Elias,
Família Ramalho Marques dos Santos Carnapete,
Ricardo Freitas,
Irina Calado,
Jorge Pelicano,
Zé G.Pires,
Inês Rueff,
Sérgio Ribeiro,
Rui Pereira,
Renato Silva,
André Banza,
Márcia Paraíso,
André Spencer,
Paula Soares,
Sara Gomes,
Agostinho Ribeiro,
Filipe Carvalho,
Tiago Rebelo